

Our team of slid­e­room is per­son­al­ly avail­able in case of ques­tions or problems.
Please have a look at the FAQ on this page to see if there is already a solu­tion to your problem.

Usu­al­ly, all requests are reg­is­tered, checked and answered with­in one busi­ness day. In case of a tech­ni­cal prob­lem, we will con­tact our devel­op­ment team with­in the next 3 work­ing days and try to solve your prob­lem as soon as possible.


Do I need an inter­net con­nec­tion to use slid­e­room®?2021–04-15T17:58:28+02:00

Yes, slid­e­room® is a so-called web add-in, which requires an Inter­net con­nec­tion for use. With­out an inter­net con­nec­tion (offline) slid­e­room® can­not be accessed.

How can I unsub­scribe com­plete­ly and have my data delet­ed?2021–04-15T17:56:47+02:00

If you wish to have your data delet­ed, please sim­ply send an e‑mail with the cor­re­spond­ing infor­ma­tion from the mail address you have pro­vid­ed to We will then delete your data com­plete­ly with­in three work­ing days at the latest.

I have can­celled slid­e­room®. May I use already down­loaded or used con­tent (images, graph­ics, icons, etc.) in the future?2021–04-09T20:17:12+02:00

Down­loaded con­tent can be used even after a can­cel­la­tion with­out any time lim­it accord­ing to the respec­tive terms of use.

May I use the con­tent (images, graph­ics, icons, etc.) out­side of Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tions — for exam­ple, on my web­site?2021–04-09T20:16:27+02:00

In the case of “company‘s inter­nal” con­tent (images, icons, etc.), the respec­tive com­pa­ny or the respon­si­ble “admin­is­tra­tor” of the com­pa­ny is respon­si­ble for upload­ing only con­tent that the com­pa­ny can use across all media with­out legal restrictions.

For the roy­al­­ty-free con­tent, in addi­tion to its use in Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tions, its use is per­mit­ted online (web­site, app, social media, e‑commerce store, blog, newslet­ter, e‑book, etc.) and for adver­tise­ments, ban­ners, fly­ers, post­cards, invi­ta­tions, mag­a­zines, albums, books, and CD covers.

For the roy­al­­ty-free images, the respec­tive terms of use of pix­abay ( or pex­els ( apply.

What do I need to con­sid­er when using graph­ics?2021–04-09T20:15:51+02:00

The more than 1,500 roy­al­­ty-free graph­ics are 100% free and may be used world­wide with­out (!) cred­it. The graph­ics may be edit­ed and changed as desired. Besides the use in Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tions, the graph­ics may also be used online (web­site, app, social media, e‑commerce store, blog, newslet­ter, e‑book etc.) and for ads, ban­ners, fly­ers, post­cards, invi­ta­tions, mag­a­zines, albums, books and CD covers.

The sale or pro­vi­sion of graph­ics to third par­ties who do not have a cor­re­spond­ing license to use slid­e­room® is not permitted.

What do I have to con­sid­er when using icons?2021–04-09T20:15:20+02:00

Slid­e­room® con­tains “company‘s inter­nal” icons as well as roy­al­­ty-free icons.

In the case of “company‘s inter­nal” icons, the respec­tive com­pa­ny or the respon­si­ble “admin­is­tra­tor” of the com­pa­ny is respon­si­ble for upload­ing only icons that the com­pa­ny can use with­out legal restrictions.

The more than 10,000 roy­al­­ty-free icons are 100% free and may be used world­wide with­out (!) cred­it. The icons may be edit­ed and changed as desired. Besides the use in Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tions, the icons may also be used online (web­site, app, social media, e‑commerce store, blog, newslet­ter, e‑book etc.) and for ads, ban­ners, fly­ers, post­cards, invi­ta­tions, mag­a­zines, albums, books and CD covers.

The sale or pro­vi­sion of icons to third par­ties who do not have a cor­re­spond­ing license to use them from slid­e­room® is not permitted.

What do I have to con­sid­er when using images?2021–04-09T20:14:45+02:00

Slid­e­room® con­tains both “company‘s inter­nal” images and roy­al­­ty-free stock images.

In the case of ” company‘s inter­nal” images, the respec­tive com­pa­ny or the respon­si­ble “admin­is­tra­tor” of the com­pa­ny is respon­si­ble for upload­ing only images that the com­pa­ny can use with­out legal restrictions.

The more than one mil­lion roy­al­­ty-free stock images are 100% free and may be used world­wide with­out (!) cred­it. The images may be edit­ed and changed as desired. Besides the use in Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tions, the images may also be used online (web­site, app, social media, e‑commerce store, blog, newslet­ter, e‑book, etc.) and for ads, ban­ners, fly­ers, post­cards, invi­ta­tions, mag­a­zines, albums, books and CD cov­ers with­in the scope of the respec­tive terms of use of pix­abay ( or pex­els (

The fol­low­ing things are not allowed:

  • Sell­ing or dis­trib­ut­ing images in dig­i­tal form, in par­tic­u­lar as stock pho­tos or dig­i­tal wall­pa­pers, as well as sell­ing or dis­trib­ut­ing images, for exam­ple, as posters, dig­i­tal prints, or phys­i­cal prod­ucts, with­out adding addi­tion­al ele­ments or oth­er­wise cre­at­ing added value
  • Depict­ing iden­ti­fi­able per­sons in an offen­sive, porno­graph­ic, obscene, immoral, defam­a­to­ry, or libelous man­ner, or sug­gest­ing that depict­ed per­sons, brands, orga­ni­za­tions, etc. endorse or approve of cer­tain prod­ucts or ser­vices, unless per­mis­sion has been granted.

All images are free to use for com­mer­cial and non-com­mer­­cial pur­pos­es, how­ev­er, ele­ments shown in the images, such as iden­ti­fi­able peo­ple, logos and trade­marks, may be sub­ject to addi­tion­al copy­rights, pro­pri­etary rights, per­son­al rights, trade­mark rights, etc. Third par­ty con­sent or license of these rights may be required, espe­cial­ly for com­mer­cial applications.

We do not want our employ­ees to use roy­al­­ty-free stock images, icons or graph­ics. Can I still make good use of slid­e­room®?2021–04-09T20:13:39+02:00

Slid­e­room® is a flex­i­ble soft­ware solu­tion that can be indi­vid­u­al­ly adapt­ed to the require­ments and wish­es of your com­pa­ny. For exam­ple, it is eas­i­ly pos­si­ble to hide indi­vid­ual “tabs” if you do not have any cor­re­spond­ing com­pa­ny con­tent. Access to your “company‘s inter­nal” con­tent (images, tem­plates, icons, etc.) remains nev­er­the­less and offers a high benefit.

My com­pa­ny does not have its own images, icons and/or pre­sen­ta­tion tem­plates. Can I still make good use of slid­e­room®?2021–04-09T20:12:48+02:00

Slid­e­room® is a flex­i­ble soft­ware solu­tion that can be indi­vid­u­al­ly adapt­ed to the require­ments and wish­es of your com­pa­ny. For exam­ple, it is eas­i­ly pos­si­ble to hide indi­vid­ual “tabs” if you do not have any cor­re­spond­ing com­pa­ny con­tent. Access to more than 1,500 graph­ics, 10,000 icons and 1,000,000 roy­al­­ty-free images nev­er­the­less remains avail­able and offers a high lev­el of benefit.

Is there a user con­cept or dif­fer­ent user groups?2021–04-09T20:12:08+02:00

Slid­e­room® is a soft­ware with two dif­fer­ent user groups. There are so-called “users” (all employ­ees with­in a com­pa­ny who have a license to use the slid­e­room® add-in) and so-called “admin­is­tra­tors” (employ­ees who have access to the pro­tect­ed “admin area” for cen­tral main­te­nance of all com­pa­ny content).

Do you pro­vide train­ing doc­u­ments for the use of slid­e­room®?2021–04-09T20:11:02+02:00

There are detailed train­ing mate­ri­als (PDF and video) for all employ­ees (“users”) to use the slid­e­room® add-in as well as for the so-called “admin­is­tra­tors” to use the “admin area”.

How can I main­tain the con­tent (images, tem­plates, icons, etc.) in my “com­pa­ny area”?2021–04-09T20:10:11+02:00

Each com­pa­ny defines one or more con­tact per­sons in advance who have access to a pro­tect­ed “admin area” as so-called “admin­is­tra­tors”. In this “admin area”, all com­pa­ny con­tent (images, tem­plates, icons, etc.) is main­tained cen­tral­ly and then made acces­si­ble to all employ­ees (“users”) who use slideroom®.

Is there a free tri­al ver­sion?2021–04-09T20:08:06+02:00

You can test slid­e­room® for one month free of charge. To do so, use the con­tact request on our website.

Is there a min­i­mum num­ber of licens­es?2021–04-09T20:07:22+02:00

Slid­e­room® can already be used from one “user”.

What does slid­e­room® cost?2021–04-09T20:06:44+02:00

Slid­e­room® is a soft­ware on a license basis. In addi­tion to one-time set­up costs and a small month­ly ser­vice fee, there are cor­re­spond­ing license fees depend­ing on the num­ber of users. Please use the con­tact form on our web­site and we will send you an indi­vid­ual offer for your company.

Can I also use slid­e­room® as a pri­vate per­son or is this soft­ware exclu­sive­ly for busi­ness cus­tomers?2021–04-09T20:06:13+02:00

Slid­e­room® is basi­cal­ly designed for use in com­pa­nies, but may also be used by pri­vate cus­tomers with an appro­pri­ate license agreement.

How can I can­cel my sub­scrip­tion?2021–04-09T20:05:14+02:00

If you are not sat­is­fied with slid­e­room® you can can­cel at any time at the end of the fol­low­ing month infor­mal­ly by e‑mail.

What are the con­tract terms and ter­mi­na­tion options?2021–04-09T20:04:26+02:00

Once the con­tract has been con­clud­ed, slid­e­room® runs for an indef­i­nite peri­od and can be ter­mi­nat­ed at any time at the end of the fol­low­ing month. Sep­a­rate agree­ments on con­tract terms and ter­mi­na­tion options are pos­si­ble after consultation.

Are there reg­u­lar updates and/or enhance­ments?2021–04-09T20:02:17+02:00

Slid­e­room® is a con­stant­ly improv­ing soft­ware solu­tion. This means that more roy­al­­ty-free images, icons, and graph­ics are added every month, so you will always find new, addi­tion­al con­tent to use.

In addi­tion, reg­u­lar secu­ri­ty updates are pro­vid­ed to ensure max­i­mum data secu­ri­ty and the best pos­si­ble usability.

Where will my “cor­po­rate” con­tent (images, tem­plates, icons, etc.) be locat­ed and will it be pro­tect­ed?2021–04-09T20:01:10+02:00

All data is stored secure­ly in accor­dance with the pro­vi­sions of the DSG­VO (Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion) on a Ger­man serv­er in Frank­furt at the provider “nextcloud”. (

Is there a max­i­mum amount or file size of con­tent (images, tem­plates, icons, etc.) that I am allowed to upload to my “Com­pa­ny Area”?2021–04-09T19:59:56+02:00

Each client can upload con­tent (images, tem­plates, icons, etc.) up to a max­i­mum total data size of 10 GB to their “com­pa­ny area”. This cor­re­sponds, for exam­ple, to more than 3,000 images of an aver­age image size of 3 MB. Beyond this, addi­tion­al stor­age space can be booked for a fee.

Does slid­e­room® also run on Apple (Mac) end devices?2021–04-09T19:58:42+02:00

Slid­e­room® runs on both Win­dows and Apple Mac.

How can I install slid­e­room®?2021–04-09T19:57:33+02:00

You can install slid­e­room® direct­ly in Pow­er­Point via the Microsoft Office Store (open Pow­er­Point -> tab „insert“ -> „ Get Add-Ins “ -> „STORE“ -> „slid­e­room“ enter “slid­e­room” in the search field -> „Add“) or via the direct down­load link on our website.

The instal­la­tion is ful­ly auto­mat­ed and is com­plet­ed with­in 30 sec­onds. An inte­gra­tion of your inter­nal IT area is not necessary.

Which ver­sion of Microsoft Office do I need to use slid­e­room®?2021–04-09T19:55:34+02:00

Slid­e­room® is com­pat­i­ble from Pow­er­Point 2013, but works best on MS 365 (old­er ver­sions of Pow­er­Point may have prob­lems inte­grat­ing and dis­play­ing svg.files (icons, graphics).